I have the ability to use programs like photoshop, Indesign, Illustrator, notepad++ and Scratch.
I know how to use a majority of tools in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. I have knowledge on how to create a website using notepad++ with a html and CSS. I also have the ability to create a game by using the scratch website/function to program it.
My Projects
Scratch Game: "One Night Drive" - {Click on image to go to link}
Careers in ICT and WOW Booklet - In DIT we have created a a booklet based on 'Careers in ICT' using Indesign. The WOW booklet was also made in Indesign. Indeisgn has helped me put the text and the images into one booklet, allowing the booklet look well organised and structured.
Scratch game: "One Night Drive" - In DIT 2016 we have created/program a game and also entered into a competition. We worked in a group of 4 to create a game, dividing tasks to do between each other. "One Night Drive" is a game that is purposely made to give the player an idea of drunk driving and to give out the message to not drive after drinking.
WOW Poster - In DIT 2016, we started a WOW project where we had to make our own WOW poster and either create a WOW t-shirt, booklet or a ticket. I chose to make a poster and a booklet. I used Photoshop to make my poster and to edit my mascot image. I have also used Illustrator to make the crescent moon and stars and the WOW logo on the poster. Personally, I think that the WOW poster was the best work I've done so far this year.